
President Trump makes pit stop at Daytona 500

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — President Donald Trump made an appearance at this year’s Daytona 500. His visit meant more security than normal at the Speedway.


Hundreds of thousands of NASCAR fans looked to the sky as AirForce 1 flew over the Daytona International Speedway. Not long after, President Donald Trump walked hand in hand with his granddaughter and waved to the crowd.

Every second of his pit stop was carefully planned and supported by law enforcement from across Florida and Sheriff Mike Chitwood was at the center of it all.

“I think we had a dozen sheriffs offices from across the state who threw in resources. Our state and federal partners, you had the TSA, DEA, Homeland Security,” explained Chitwood.

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He was part of the process when the President visited in 2020 but said the experience never gets old.

“Watching AirForce One fly over and then when it lands, the ground under your feet rumbles,” said Chitwood.

Fans told Eyewitness News they heard rumors the President was coming but didn’t believe it until it was actually happening.

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“It was so patriotic, it was cool. The whole thing. Everything from the President, the Air Force, the National Anthem and Color Guard, it was awesome and the NASCAR right, the American power,” said Bryant Felix.

While the President’s visit went off without a hitch, Chitwood said the rain delay would result in a long night for law enforcement.

“Everyone’s thinking about New Orleans. When did that attack happen? That happened at the end of that event. So we are trying to keep that on our mind the rest of the night,” said Chitwood.

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